From the Californian prisons will release 25,000 prisoners

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Legislative assembly of California has approved the plan according to which with a view of reduction of financing of prisons for two years from them will ahead of schedule release to 25,000 prisoners on Friday.

On it informs edition The Los Angeles Times.

The information on that a part of the concluded Californian prisons can receive freedom, have appeared even in the summer when the staff authorities discussed measures on reduction of budgetary deficiency. In particular, it was informed that from prisons are going to let out about 27,000 persons that would allow to save 1,2 billion dollars of budgetary funds.

According to LA Times, the new plan became compromise as earlier the Senate of California already has had time to approve the project providing reduction of the population of prisons for two years on 37,000 of persons. At the same time decrease in number of prisoners which it is planned to release, has led to that budgetary deficiency of staff will not be completely extinguished and will constitute more than 200 million dollars.

The sources of the edition close to administration of California, approve that, despite fiscal problems, governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, predictably, the document will sign.

Meanwhile the law can leave unresolved and a problem of congestion of prisons of staff. In the beginning of August federal judges in reply to numerous claims from the concluded Californian correctional institutions have enacted that to the middle of September on freedom should leave more than 40,000 persons. Now in staff prisons contain about 170,000 prisoners.

Schwarzenegger has counted such decision rash and has promised to challenge it in the Supreme Court. In its opinion, the staff administration, instead of federal court should solve a problem of overpopulation of prisons. At the same time the prospect of clearing of a great number of prisoners strongly irritates the population of California.
Photo by: ©AFP

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