"amazing", "beautiful", "other-worldly", "brilliant clear eyes", "healthiest I have ever seen you!" are just a few of the compliments I have humbly and happily received after returning from my 24 day stay at The pH Miracle Center in Valley Center, California. Its hard not to recognize the changes after 3+ weeks of doing all of the best things for myself (alkaline water & food, green drinks, infrared sauna, colonics, exercise, sun, harp therapy!!) to name a few! The compliments on the "outside" sure are nice, yet the way I feel on the inside has taken me to a whole new level of dedication to the Alkalarian Lifestyle. I feel amazing! Supercharged! Alive! and Empowered!
Between the knowledge gained during the microscopy course and the full experience of living the protocols that Dr. Young and his team have created, have led me to a greater understanding of the practicality and necessity of living life alkaline. Allowing true potential to be unleashed, in all ways possible, is what you can expect from the incredible learning and healing environment. As a microscopy student I was able to immerse myself in the science behind it all and learn from the Master of Alkalinity and the source of The New Biology. What a privilege!
Dr. Young's theories are easily taken into practice while at the beautiful and serene Rancho Del Sol and the benefits are quickly realized. Now that I am back in the Big Apple (NYC)... here too... I am maintaining alkalinity and have continued along with the newly acquired (and revived) practices that were strengthened by the experience at the pH Miracle Center. If I can stay alkaline here, it can be done anywhere! Be encouraged, Be informed..and JOIN US!! in NYC this June 27th & 28th where Dr. Young will be available for private consultations AND will present: The Diet for Health, Vitality and Unstoppable Energy! Click Here For More Info or to Buy Tickets
Denise Mari
Denise Mari is the Founder and Director of Organic Avenue, a healthy lifestyle company based in New York City dedicated to spreading the LOVE (live.organic.vegan.experience™). She is presently working on her second Masters Degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport. Denise is a certified Phlebotomist, Colon Hydro-therapist, and Living Foods Lifestyle Coach. Denise is an associate of Dr. Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc., N.D., Author of the pH Miracle, and has been conducting advanced research in “The New Biology” using Live Blood Microscopy. Denise has studied/trained with many of the top raw leaders in the world including: Brian Clement, Juliano, Chad Sarno, Elaina Love, Renee Loux Underkoffler, Matt Amsden, Victoria Boutenko, David Wolfe and Jeremy Saffron. Denise has led retreats, cleanses, and fasts for thousands of people and is the inspiration behind the wildly successful LOVE™ cleanse programs launched in NYC in 2000. Denise studies Vipassana Meditation and Dharma Yoga. She has traveled extensively in search of Truth, LOVE, and well-being. She presently lives in New York with her two dogs, Ahimsa and Shalom.
Denise is also available for holistic lifestyle consultation and nutritional microscopy. Call her at 212-334-4593 or send an email to denise@organicavenue.com for more inforamtions or to make an appointment.
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