Another Type I Diabetic OFF INSULIN!

The following email letter epresses what can happen for ANY Type I diabetic when they follow The pH Miracle Lifestyle. They get off their insulin injections.To learn more about preventing and reversing Type I and Type II [...]
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Magnesium the Light of Life

Magnesium the Light of LifeInside chlorophyll is the light oflife and that light is magnesiumThe capture of light energy from the sun is magnesium dependent. Magnesium is bound as the central atom of the porphyrin ring of [...]
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Nirates in Spinach Counteract The Acid Components of Metabolic Syndrome

Nitrates reduce oxygen consumption during physical exercise; however, they are also of potential significance to diseases involving mitochondrial dysfunction, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease....Popeye the spinach-eating cartoon character [...]
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Support Complementary and Alternative Medicine as Covered Medical Expenses

Washington, D.C. - A bill was introduced at the end of May that would expand the IRS code to include herbs, vitamins, minerals, homeopathic remedies, meal replacement products, and other dietary and nutritional supplements as “eligible medical expenses” [...]
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Quality of Life: Change the Paradigm

Quality of Life: Change the paradigmPublished 13-12-2010 - Pernille KnudtzonThis issue, our health detectives conclude their investigation of Blood, the river of life, with a look at how perspectives of disease have shaped modern medicine as we know [...]
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What Is Freedom?

"What is freedom if it is not to be free in every way, from our most minute cell to our most expansive dreams? He is free who can afford to let the interactions between the cell and spirit take place in a most harmonious [...]
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All Good Things Come To An End

pH MIRACLE, INC. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ALL GOOD THINGS COME TO AN END The formal relationship between Dr. Robert O. Young, Shelley Redford Young, The pH Miracle ® group of companies and Innerlight Corporation came to an end on January 2nd of this [...]
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